The Evolutionary Transformation of Games: Digital Games and Children’s Cyber Security

ISSN: 2822-4493



Digital Games
Cyber Security
Awareness Raising Initiatives1

How to Cite

Kaya, Ümit Ünsal, & Karaca, N. H. (2023). The Evolutionary Transformation of Games: Digital Games and Children’s Cyber Security. Journal of TAM Academy, 2(1), 146–159.


In the digitalized world, there are changes in people's behaviours and reactions. A good example of this is observed in children in the context of digital games replacing traditional games. Today, children tend to meet their entertainment needs through digital games outside of school, usually in closed and safe spaces. Although digital games have positive aspects associated with cognitive development and intelligence, excessive playing of these games or not paying attention to age criteria can threaten children's physical and mental health. In addition, children may have poor academic performance and behavioural problems. Unfortunately, children's cyber security can also be jeopardized in digital games played over the network without supervision. In this context, this study was carried out considering the need for a study that compiles the types of digital games, the positive and negative effects of digital games on children, the criteria that can guide parents in the selection of digital games, and awareness-raising initiatives in the field of digital games in Turkey based on the current literature. It is aimed that the study will contribute to educators and parents in terms of obtaining information and developing attitudes and contribute to this literature.


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