In his renowned book entitled “Last Child in the Woods”, Richard Louv puts forward the idea that one of the rarely mentioned costs of technological progress is the weakening of human senses. According to Louv, Western culture of the 21st century assumes that people live in an abundance of data thanks to the widespread technology. However, in this very age of information people are deprived of vital information. In the human dominated age called Anthropocene, the quality of life is determined not only by what people achieve, but also by the price they pay for it (Louv, 2017). The things people experienced in the aftermath of the disasters and crises that broke out in the world and on a national scale in the last decade proves that people do lack vital information. Therefore it can be said that it is a must now for people to take action immediately in order to be ready for the upcoming disasters. Due to the increase in the frequency and degree of many disasters caused by the deterioration of ecological cycles in the world, the purpose of this article is to raise awareness about environmental literacy as it was found out that environmental literacy is not given the attention it deserves in Turkish curriculum. To do this, the book entitled Sekoyana’nın Kapıları is analysed with an ecocritical perspective as it is believed that this book has the potential to be a key reference for environmental literacy. In order to better illustrate the analysis part, the concept of Anthropocene is explained in the first place. Then a general definition of environmental literacy is given before the first part of the book Sekoyana’nın Kapıları is analysed in terms of environmental literacy from an ecocritical perspective.
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