Journalism in Cameroon: A Brief History and Phases

ISSN: 2822-4493

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Freedom of Speech
Regional Press
Private Press
Public Press


How to Cite

Makwen, M. A. . (2022). Journalism in Cameroon: A Brief History and Phases. Journal of TAM Academy, 1(1), 71–85.


Since the liberalization of public life in Cameroon in 1990, aesthetics, technique and ethics have best characterized the evolution of journalism, highlighting the key phases that have characterized its history, namely the era of journalism without journalists. In this period, journalism was practiced by other professional groups for entertainment purposes, mixed with political struggle and religious humanism. It then moves on to the next stage, where it asserts its freedom from other social activities overshadowed by journalism, then sets its own scope and standards. This research aims to monitor the different phases of journalism in Cameroon, public and private media in Cameroon, a country where freedom of the press and human rights are affirmed as priority, and how the regional press is covered in their countries and regions. Therefore, we ask ourselves whether there is really respect for freedom of speech in Cameroon for both the public and private media.
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