Certification of Distance Education Institutions

ISSN: 2822-4493

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Distance Education
Quality Assurance


How to Cite

Cankırlı, E. (2022). Certification of Distance Education Institutions . Journal of TAM Academy, 1(1), 58–70. https://doi.org/10.58239/tamde.2022.01.004.x


It is argued that the online courses given under the name of distance education by education institutions during and after the COVID 19 pandemic in the world are a content and quality problem. Online courses are compared to face-to-face courses. Especially in schools providing face-to-face education, studies to provide education under the name of distance education continue within the scope of online applications. However, most of the primary, secondary and higher education institutions do not have extensive experience in distance education design and process applications. The lack of a standard, the differences in inter-institutional practices and the low quality of the courses are the most important topics of discussion.

In this article, the structuring of the quality qualification system in the field of distance education will be analyzed due to the quality problem in the curricula of distance education institutions. A recommendation will be made to regularly audit distance education institutions, verify and certify the distance education system with an accredited standard.



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