Neoliberalism, Transformation of Football and Champions League

ISSN: 2822-4493

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Neoliberalism, Football, England, Thatcher, Champions League


How to Cite

Bekcan, U. (2022). Neoliberalism, Transformation of Football and Champions League. Journal of TAM Academy, 1(1), 22–31.


Today, the football economy has reached a gigantic size. And it has come to a visible point that football is not just football. In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the claims that the neoliberal transformation in the world in the 1970s made football a commercial and industrial phenomenon. The transformation of football has also laid the groundwork for the organization whose commercial/industrial aspect predominates, such as the Champions League. At this point, along with the existence of big sponsors and advertisers in football, there are also criticisms that an equal and fair sportive competition cannot find a sufficient place for big organizations such as the Champions League in today’s football. The research subject has been discussed from a historical perspective. In the study, first, neoliberalism and how it transformed football were mentioned. Then, the example of England as the leading country in the transformation in football was examined and finally the Champions League, the symbol of neoliberal industrial football, was emphasized.
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